I don't think I could pinpoint my "favorite" Joni look, but these are the 
highlights for me:

The Hejira Cover-she projects a hawk-like gaze and an icy facade betrayed by 
the sensuality of those lips!  Intelligence and sensuality, and, as Kev 
mentioned, that fierce beret!

The silhouette in Court and Spark-a still image that conveys the movement and 
passion of freedom and youthful love

Chalk Mark Cover-the slanted brim of the hat and again those lips!

PWWAM-absolutely stunning!

Love Puts on a New Face (Jay Leno Show) She's wearing a knitted skullcap and 
her brow and eye make-up is a little heavier than usual for her and it gives 
her a Georgia O'Keefe-ian quality that is quite painterly and bohemian--you 
can picture this woman painting and smoking cigarettes and living the 
artist's life at an age when many have settled into a quiet and empty 
mid-life.  What I love about this, is that it's an archetype you NEVER see in 
the Midwest, and rarely anywhere at all.  I would see women like this in 
Santa Fe and in some places in Northern California.  Arty, intelligent and 
vibrant and conveying the youthful energy unavailable from botox or the 


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