--- colin <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: > I went for
my regular gp checkup on Monday. Just for
> blood 
> pressure(which is fine) and a chat. Juts to make
> sure I am still on the 
> planet I guess.
> Anyway, I mentioned that the mole on my tummy has
> been bothering me. I 
> have had it there since forever. Well, I think it
> got caught by my 
> trouser top when i wore them for a show. I normally
> wear jogging 
> trousers at home. It doesn't look any different o
> me. My gp however said 
> she would cut it out and send it off for  biopsy. 

Synchronicity again? I went for my annual physical
yesterday. Was all worried about blood pressure and so
on, but the doc sez it's incredibly healthily low,
lower than it has been for a while. Probably related
to no longer living with SHex (Shit Head Ex). 

Get the mole removed. If you're lucky you can get by
with one of those procedures where they shave it off
rather than gouge it out, and the biopsy will be fine.
I think my GP is great, but the one time he let me
down was not reacting quickly enough to a mole I had
on my left arm that I bugged him about for a few years
before he finally sent me to a specialist who sent me
for surgery and rather quickly too. It wasn't cancer,
but it was severely dysplastic, which is "thinking
about becoming cancer." I had to have two biopsies
done - the first time to find out what it was about,
the second time to make sure they had got all the bad
stuff out the first time (hence a second biopsy). I
have a hole in my arm now and feel like I have to wear
an armband whenever I'm wearing short sleeves because
I think everyone's going to notice. Maybe they don't,
but I do. Better safe than sorry, my friend - get it
taken out.


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