OK Vince where the hell did this come from?
I was not defining anything.  I was simply stating
that I believed the RTL would use that way of
thinking.  I've never said I was pro or anti anything
in this debate.  Simply questioning phrases that where
posted for my own understanding of this issue.
Chill out Vince, and might I suggest a little less caffeine
in your diet.


You cannot and will not define what I believe.   No more
than I can do that to you.

I am not pro-abortion and frankly I do not give a damn what
definitions Right to life uses.  Those are their
categories, not mine, and I do not buy into their attempt
to define the debate to suit them.

I am not pro-abortion.

I am pro choice.

Funny that for those supporting the propsoed military
action in Iraq you would scream if I called you pro war -
you would say no you are not pro war but in some
circumstances, in some instances, there can be a just war
but you are not pro war...

So then grant the same consideration that you demand.   In
some circumstances, in some instances, there can be a just
abortion.  And that doesn't make anyone pro abortion.

You can't claim all leeway on your side and not grant it to

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