I do not know who you are and did not have all the context in which you were 
raging and babbling at and about.  But I do know that I felt absolutely 
ASSAULTED when I read your post this morning.  I do not know who "the second 
tier peacocks that strut along these pages here" are but I am quite certain I 
am not one of them.  "Great tradition of my genes"?????  "Investigate the 
authenticity of your list"????  May I suggest that if you need to express 
rage at a group of people that you do not know, you may want to take a look 
at that kind of behavior.  If you hate the JMDL list so much, then don't 
participate.  Discussion is one thing, abuse is quite another.  From an 
observer's point of view, you sounded a bit delusional, and that's a little 


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