> But I do know that I felt absolutely ASSAULTED when I read your post
> this morning.

If Andrea is THAT upset, then something must've happened that I need to 
read ...

Oh, it's this, from Suzanne:

> Am I scared shitless living 30 minutes away from ground zero - is it
> cold in winter in the north?!

What exactly is the point of living scared shitless??  If you're doing 
that, "THEY" have already won.

I live 30 minutes and work 20 minutes from the "other" ground zero, the 
Pentagon.  I continue to live my life as I always have, which is to say 
that, among the humdrum of life's regular little details, I'm sad to 
know I will probably witness a nuclear winter in my lifetime.  That's 
exactly why I object to Bush's plan to start what may very well become 
the LAST war.

I further object to the way Bush, et al, have pushed their desire for 
war to the forefront of political discussion, which had has the 
intended effect of allowing them to slide under the radar their ultra-
conservative nominations for judgeships and systematic actions designed 
to eventually undermine reproductive choice.

"Compassionate conservatism" my ass.  Bush is now repaying all the far-
right wing lunatics who helped him get into office, and the REALLY 
fucked up thing about it is that he's tapping into ALL of our accounts 
to do so.  We will all pay a very steep price if we do not stop him, 
right now.

> I am sure this one will be buried in the much speaking of the second
> tier peacocks that strut along the pages here

I'll admit it:  I am one.  And I'm proud of it.


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