Well this is a bit of a twist on the the question Ron posed, but it's along the same 
lines. So sit
back children and ....

Let me tell you all the story of "Lesbian Bob."  

I first met Lesbian Bob, oh probably over 20 years ago.  I was a young dyke then and 
immature  -
hmmm now I'm an old dyke and immature, but I digress ...
Bob was pointed out to me and his story told.  I of course did not believe it or him 
at first. 
But this would be some kind of charade, continuing for the past 20 years plus, so I 
except him as
he is now.  

Supposedly Bob, a typical blue collar city of Chicago sewer worker had once been 
married and had a
family.  His wife, so the story goes, left him for a woman.  Now I don't know if this 
is what
turned him around or if he had always had these tendencies.  But Bob began his life as 
a lesbian,
coming out ... so to speak.  He is a blue jean, flannel kind of (gulp) dyke. He is a 
feminist (choke).  And he loves BUTCH women!  And he is about 65 or 70 now, but I 
still run into
him occassionally on the train or bus.  

He would sit in the bars, swilling lite beers and talking feminism. His dream was to 
be allowed to
go to the Michigan Womens Fest.  He often applied to the board to allow him entry. 
They were
actually quite kind to him and promised him by letter entry in the year 2050 or 
something like
that!  I think he'll stick aroud just to get there!  

As we would sit in the predominately lesbian bar, Bob would watch the door for 
"prospects."  When
the stray or occassional man would enter, Bob would slam his fist and mumble, "Damn 
men, what do
they have to come in here for!"  He would never speak to them and acted very anti 
male.  He
carried around his satchel which ALWAYS had some vey PC material in it.  And if a 
discussion was
going on in the bar, he would inevitably pullout some piece of lesbian propaganda to 
support his
view.  Also, if in conversation you might utter, "oh my god" - Bob would always 
correct you by
saying "you mean, oh my goddess."  He was actually pretty smart and was often my 
competition for
free shots, when we watched and played "Wheel of Fortune."  Which may be the way I 
finally earn my
pot of gold - LOL!  

On occassion it was rumored Bob "scored." I do know of an instance or two with a 
friend, when in
their drunkedness Lesbian Bob and "Lips" were rumored to have made out in the bar.  
Poor "Lips" a
scarlett letter she must bear for the rest of her life.  

He truly did not like femme women though, good cause I didn't want to have to lose out 
to him! 
But I being as I refer to myself a "soft" butch was still not his style - Thank 
"goddess!"  But my
younger queer sister is in some ways more butch and often had Bob's eye.  My sister, 
would often "play" him for the beers he would shower her with, not my style, but 
that's my sister!
 You all knew that I had a baby dyke sister too - right?  Isn't my mother the proud 

But the idea of Lesbian Bob's authenticity came up often and I must say - I believe 
him.  This was
just too much. He truly lived and still lives this life as a lesbian. Although pushing 
70 and in
poor health now.  So although he never pursued a change physically, afterall he is 
butch, he has
lived his life as as a butch woman stuck in a man's body.  Many women would not speak 
to him, many
were grossed out by him. Many, like myself were always very curious.  And you didn't 
just ask him
questions, you had to bide your time and slowly gather this information.

So here in Chicago, he is somewhat of an urban lesbian legend.  He is so the typical 
looking "Joe"
you would never believe his story or personna - until you saw him cruising the dykes 
in a club. 
Now I never said he did not get gross, as I suddenly remember him being a bit buzzed 
expressing his oral talents, much like someone plays "air guitar" Ewwwwww!   BUt I do 
there are people, as rare as it may be who are gender and prefernce mislabled in life. 
 Even more
so than the supposed 10% club - as gay people are referred to being a part of.  I 
think people
like "Lesbian Bob" and Lucy's friend and a few others mentioned in this thread, are 
probably in
the 2% club or less.  BUt they are human and have their good points and their bad.  
They still
have value, although they are subject to much fodder and embellishment, mostly behind 
their backs
and out of view, although there is always the occassional bold one who will confront 
them.  Still,
how hard a life is that to live and to except in yourself much less what other people 
think of

So long live Lesbian BoB - he is truly a sister!  And still the other half of me 
chokes on my own
words - LOL!


NPIMH:  Joe Cocker's version of "Woman to Woman."
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