Russ wrote

> 'Two Grey Rooms'......can I just swoon, 
> now?  Thanks.

> Yes, many (most ?) of us think of TGR as a top song.

Today, I had another epiphany into why I have loved Blue for almost 32 years. 
I sat down at the piano to try to learn to play My Old Man (thanks Janine), 
and was left (after a brief initial session with the sheet music) in 
amazement that such early work could have so much in it. In particular, the 
use of successive half tones in the melody and related harmony (juxtaposed to 
her trademark leaps), the unusual key change (or at least, effective key 
change) to the chorus and back,  the major to minor chord shifts, and the 
trademark use of non-tonic bass chords. And, the lyrics to boot. What a 
fantastic song !  And I bet that relatively few of us would put it among 
their top 5 on that album !!!!  My personal ranking has historically put it 
at number 8 !!!I  I'm moving it up to number 5, but refuse to lower the 
rankings of any of the others :-)

This is a good example of something that I (and no doubt most of us) have 
observed in reading the posts to this list. Namely, that Joni's work is of 
such extraordinarily high and consistent quality that almost all of her songs 
have something so noteworthy about them that they have found their way onto 
somebody's "personal favorites" list.

That is a telling testament to her body of work, IMO.

Bob's Art

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