The fine print-
They have $67 million to distribute. Depending on the amount of
claimants, you could recieve a check for between $5 and $20.
However, if the amount drops below $5, there will be no cash
paid to individuals at all, but instead will be donated to "not-for-
profit, charitable, governmental or public entities in each state,
territory and possession, to be used for music-related purposes
or programs." My own conspiracy theory is that they made sure
that no proof of purchase would be required to make a claim,
insuring lots of claims. That way, they could set up some kind
of a non-profit and pay the money (or at least part of it) out to
themselves masked as some other legal configuration.
The upside-unlike the lottery, it costs you nothing to register
a claim, and they promise they will not sell your name to
ps conspiracy theory pt 2: Besides the cash settlement, they
will be required to distribute CD's to schools, libraries, etc to
the tune of $76 million. I predict they will count every CD
they give away as list price ($18) even though they cost about
a buck each to make. And I wouldn't be too shocked if they
found a way not to pay the artists for these freebies.

Bree Mcdonough wrote:

> IF so..there has been a class action lawsuit settlement.  The suit was
> brought because of the big boys price fixing. don't have to
> show proof or anything that you purchased a cd between those dates given.
> Go to  to claim your twenty $$.
> Bree
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