Others have articulated up what attracted THIS gay guy to
La Joni.

Wrote Jerry: her intelligence, her perseverance, her beauty,
her, her originality, her stunning talent.

Wrote: Lori: her confessional writing, her nonjudgmental

Wrote Chris: her talk of love.

Wrote Andrew: her honesty, her joy, her recognition and
articulation of sadness, her celebration of life and learning,
her understanding and creation of art.

I would add: some of us gay types have exquisite TASTE!


MICHAEL in Toronto

P.S. I have to agree with Andrew: most gay people I know
are either indifferent to Joni or openly contemptuous -- just
like most straight people I know. (sigh) As always, I'm convinced
that those of us who love her so much (male of female,
gay or straight, white or black or any other colour) are simply more 
highly evolved.


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