this is a fascinating subject which is why i love being on the njc list even
if it means i have to scroll through lots of other less interesting

i respect those who have told us that they knew they were gay/lesbian at an
early age & take that to mean that it is most definately an issue of
nature...biological...of course in the end it really doesn't matter why
anymore than heterosexuals should have to answer why they are the way they

however it seems to me that if this was able to be proven in some way that
it is biological that this would help to quiet those who consider being
gay/lesbian a choice & in the case of some religions something that is a theory anyway...

on the other hand i do know of at least one friend who at a point in her
life considered dating women because she had several bad relationship
experiences with men...well what she hadn't figured out yet is that her bad
experience was with her father & she was just following that pattern that
many do until the connection is made as to why we go for unhealthy
relationships & how we have imprinted what i am saying is i guess
in some instances it can be something that one chooses though this might be
only be considered a choice for someone who is actually bisexual rather than
gay/lesbian or heterosexual?

anyway, thanks to all who have shared their personal stories, that is what i
love about this list!

now i must go prepare for a show tonight & i promise to be very very nice to
everyone who wants to talk to me before i go on! lol!

Kate Bennett:
Sponsored by Polysonics/Atlantis Sound Labs
Over the Moon-
"bringing the melancholy world of twilight
to life almost like magic" All Music Guide

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