Kate wrote:

<< another thought to illustrate the pre & post show emotional space of many 
performers... >>

and Bob wrote:

<<Also, as someone mentioned, Crosby has a transplanted liver. From what I've 
heard about transplanted organs, it is necessary for recipients to take 
anti-rejection drugs for life, and there're supposed to be pretty hard to 
live with -- although that is NO EXCUSE to be mean to my JMDL buds. (I 
haven't been this pissed off since Sting dissed Paz's son!)>>

You're such a sweetie Bob, and LOL on the Sting encounter.  I forgot all 
about that one.

For the record, let me explain a little further about Crosby.  I do not think 
the anti-rejection drugs had anything to do with his behavior (although I'm 
not an authority on the subject).  Kate, I do agree that most artists prior 
to their concert, and especially during a sound check would not want to be 
bothered.  CPR showed up at 4:00 for the sound check, and Crosby was only up 
on stage for a brief time.  Long enough to be a DIVA and embarass Pevar.  
There were 6 hours (which we hung around) before the band played.  As I said 
before, this was a *small* bar. There weren't any people around except for 
bar employees, my friend Mingus, his sweet nephew Jeff, and me.  It wasn't as 
if we were 3 teenage girls screaming at his feet.  We gave him PLENTY of 
space, and approached him only when we thought it was an appropriate time.  
Ming's nephew politely asked if he was giving autographs AFTER the show.  It 
was another "Nah".  We even heard him ask for disinfectant (in front of the 
manager) when he went in the so called dressing room.  I'm sorry, but if you 
want to keep fans, you need to show some respect...........(especially when 
you're given a second chance on life.)

I'll still give him some leeway and say he was just having a bad day, that 
butthole. :~)

He still sings great !!! 


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