>I don't know how this discussion started and I hesitate to jump into the middle of it 
>without reading the entire thread...but, my two-cents-worth is: sexual orientation is 
>not a result of environmental factors. This is just my experience talking, and my 
>feelings: how could feelings so deep and powerful (to the core, baby) be the result 
>of environmental factors? It has go to beyond that.
This is how I feel.

>And anyway, as I've long said .... "if you're looking for a cause, then you're 
>looking for a cure."
yes that is what bothers me about tion. no one ever asks 'why are you 

>  I really don't care what the "cause" is. I am perfectly happy as I am and don't 
>need to the reason or need to prove anything about it...
good. that is laos how i feell.

>though I realize others feel differently, and perhaps for good reasons.

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