Wow, this week is too much.  First the USA is going to war, pretending to be
upset about chemical weapons that we sold to an ally, so we can install a
replacement regime.

Now, the list owner posts twice in one day!  And one of them is a joke!  I
think we need to find out who has seized control of Les' email account,
enlisting the fundamentalists if necessary, "and put a stop that problem!!"

Too much.

who's waiting things out as I've done so many times before.  Chill, folks.
The gay communities (plural) have a right to this anger and they need to
express it regularly.

P.S. Not to mention the fact that we're spending money that we don't have to
pay defense contractors to build a satellite defense against
intercontinental missiles.  Only thing is, we have no enemies with
intercontinental missiles anymore.  Did our latest attack come across the
Pacific?  No, our enemy was armed with plastic box cutters!

<to be delivered as Dennis Miller>
On top of that, the middle class is disappearing faster than Catherine Zeta
Jones' size 6 wardrobe.

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