
Lori asked:
> Which of you tech-savvy types knows whether email that is simply sent
> or received via an employer-owned computer (but not via an employer-
> provided account), particularly a networked computer, can be
> monitored/read?

Kakki Replied:
> I have been wondering the same thing.  At the last two places I've worked,
> they banned having or accessing outside email accounts from the work
> computer. 

first off - im not tech savvy - just friendly with the it staff!!

we had a trial run a while ago with a snooping program called languard.

kept details of all internet access, sites visited, pages (with content)
viewed, items downloaded, time statistics etc. the supervisor can view
exactly what youre seeing.

it was really something to experience peoples reactions when phoning them
and suggesting they log off from wwww.nakedteenagersinahottub.com.

or asking them to please unsubscribe from their porn lists (ever try to
unsub someone from a porn list???)as a wise man once asked "If Al Gore
really invented the internet why does he keep ignoring my request for a
refund of my subscription to bigbeavers.com??"

in our case the main issue was mainly the lost time. some people were
spending up to 85% of their time logged onto websites!!!

second consideration was security.

after the first person was fired things impoved. but not as much as you
would expect!!!


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