
Mandela's comments on Bush:

"What I am condemning is that one power, with a President who has no
foresight, and cannot think properly, is now wanting to plunge the world
into a holocaust"

On accusing Bush and Blair of undermining the United Nations:

"Is it because the secretary general of the United Nations is now a black
man? They never did that when the secretary generals were white."

I guess madiba is just human after all.

i dont really have an opinion on war in iraq. (no reliable facts so no
opinion is possible) i am generally anti war ( tho part of me must concede
that there are some circumstances where it is probably unavoidable) but i
really dont think the situation can be likened to the holocaust.

i do agree with his comments on Bush's thinking ability. just plain scary
that "the village idiot" can be president of the most powerful nation on

but what really, really pisses me is the reduction of the disagreement
(politically agnostic me - I am just assuming that there is in fact one)
with the UN to a purely racist level. Puerile name calling on a level with a
kindergarten kid.

who has had the following conversation before:

Him     "Its because im black isnt it??"
Me:     "no. youd be an arsehole no matter what colour you were"

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