We had a whole discussion about this line last year.  As to whether a
Tequila Anaconda was an alchoholic drink - or the line Joni's pee made
as it flowed away down the parking lot.

Anyone care to open this again, or perhaps the Notches Libertaion Doll
thread???  ha ha, just kidding gang!

Donna (running for cover)

>>> Little Bird <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 01/31/03 03:07PM >>>
I've always loved this one:

"I didn't know I drank such a lot

Until I pissed a tequila anaconda 

The full length of the parking lot!"

When I first heard her sing that line I actually muttered, "Right on!"
under my breath. 

What an image! Oh, she talks too loose...too open and free... Thank God
for that.

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