I believe Kate and others interpreted the Little Green line correctly.  She 
gives him a description of his newborn child, beckoning him home, and he 
responds with a fricking poem.  I guess "non-comformer" sounds better than 
"limp-dick."  LG is one of those songs, along with Cherokee Louise, that 
really make me weapy and weak in the knees.  Also one of those songs so 
obvious in its meaning, but which no one seems to have gotten (me included) 
until reports surfaced in the 80's.

Pissing an tequila anaconda is definitely not pissing a frufru drink, but 
rather some outdoor relief after a series of shots of Mr. Cuervo and creating 
a meandering river of piss.  Maybe its an L.A. thing . . . a traditional 
post-El Choyo experience (which, by the way, might make a pleasant potential 
mecca for the next L.A. Joni-fest).  By the way, in LA it has been in the 
70's and 80's and the citrus blossoms tonite are perfuming the air so sweetly 
it is almost cloying.  Plus, the Lakers finally beat a good team tonite.  It 
is a magic hour.

Where I am really obtuse and/or the one line that I have always thought 
off-putting is the refrain from ACOY: 

Oh I could drink a case of you darling 
Still I'd be on my feet 
oh I would still be on my feet

Fecking gorgeous song.  The rest of song always struck me as extolling the 
relationship/man in her life who she lost or is losing or is fighting.  I 
would have thought that it would be an intoxicating experience to overdose on 
a great lover. . . nothing wrong with pumping the guy up a bit.  Yet JM  says 
she could drink a case of this guy and still not be hammered.  What gives?  
He is weak?  He doesn't affect her even in large quantities?    Is it that he 
is so much like her -- she knows him so well  -- that he does not affect her? 
 Is she saying he is Lite Beer -- good riddance?  I am sure that there is 
some obvious answer I am missing, but I am not above confessing ignorance, at 
least tonight, anyway.


P.S., I am making this NJC as a matter of pique.  Joni only status is just 
plain lazy.  Deleting email is the only good exercise I get nowadays.  
Imagine the furor over identifying something definitely Joni as NJC?  But if 
they never know . . . ;P 

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