Jimmy reported:

> Mingus asked him if he could ask him a few questions, and Crosby said 
> "Nah, I don't think so". It wasn't as if Ming was going to ask him only 
> questions about Joni, but Crosby was pretty rude in my opinion.
> I was very intimidated, and as a certain jmdler told me last week "Crosby 
> is 
> not very approachable"...........

Oh yeah, well David Crosby can be intimidated, too. Let's post a few from 
"that interview", for penance:

I walked into a coffee house and was just completely smitten. She was 
standing there singing all those songs ... "Michael from Mountains," "Both 
Sides Now," and I was just floored. I couldn't believe that there was anybody 
that good. And I also fell ... I loved her, as it were.

I was extremely fascinated with the quality of the music and the quality of 
the girl. She was such an unusual, passionate and powerful woman.

In a hundred years when they look back and say, "Who was the best?" - it's 
going to be her. WB: I agree. Probably her and Dylan. DC: It's going to be 
her. She's a better poet than Dylan and without question a far better 
musician. I don't think there's anybody who can touch her. James Taylor comes 
close, but I think it's her, and I don't think the record companies ever 
realized that or have known what the story was.

my favorite trick at the time was to invite everyone over, get a joint of 
dope that was stronger than they could possibly smoke and get her to play and 
they would walk out stupefied. They'd never heard anything like her and it 
was a lot of fun. It only stopped being fun when I started producing her 
first record. Joni is not a person that you stay in a relationship with. It 
always goes awry, no matter who you are. It's an inevitable thing. We were 
starting to have friction and at the same time I was starting to produce her 
record and I didn't really know how. 

Yes, it was very difficult for me. I'd sit there and struggle over one song, 
like "Guinevere" for a month, and she would have written 5 songs that week. 

WB: After you met Joni in Florida, you mentioned that you took her out 
sailing. That must've been very romantic, I would imagine, being out there on 
the ocean, playing guitars together?DC: Yes, it turned out that way. We had 
some wonderful times together early on, when she went sailing with me. (He 
pauses) ...You have to understand, Wally, I still love her. She's the best, 
and if you quote anything from me, say that I said she was the best and I've 
always said that. WB: And what is she best at, David?DC: She's the best 
singer/songwriter there is, man. There isn't anybody close, I don't think. 

DC: I think in the long run when they look back and say who really did it, it 
will be her. 

Maybe he was just having a "bad hair" day. ;-)

Bob's Art

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