yes of course there can never be another joni...
and while i can't say i'm in love with pj harvey
(not enough lilt or melody for me)
i wholeheartedly agree with annie lennox.
constantly entertainingly beautiful
and always changing

i also agree with someone's assesment of alanis
(but shes got a long way to go)

2 more i'd like to add:
chrissie hynde
(she can be every bit as touching/complex/melodic and smart) as our joni (and her last 
cd plays 
a heck of a lot better than travelog)

also suzanne vega
not the best voice
but she makes up for it 
in opriginality and heart and soul

thread #2
the vinyl issue
am i the only one that thinks cds are too long and numbing?
how i miss the old days of a side 1
and side 2
(and i've never heard it adressed anywhere)
doesnt anyone miss the city side/sea side chapters
of song to a seagull?
doesnt anyone think its exciting to end a side with hejira
and start another with sharon?
these subtlties are totally lost now with cds.

and while i don't agree that ticks and pops add much
i've always kept my lps meticulously clean
and they still soung GREAT
(i have all of joni on vinyl thru chalk mark)
and yes, vinyl does sound warmer and better.
at least on hissing and hejira. and court and spark.
they digitised those poor things to death.
what they always strip out on those remixed cds
and sometimes the cohesion of each track as a whole.
they just love to take out any echo or reverb.

what about the freakin art of the jackets?
and the lyrics?
the beautiful photos on hejira & don juan
the inner gatefilds of roses and hissing
all lost on those crummy tissue paper thin
cd booklets. yuck

thanks for listening
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