Bree, this was in your mail posted in digest no 87... I am not sure if it is
you saying it or if it is taken from someone else's mail and put

there is this piece below in your mail.

"Have you never lost your train of thought?  There have  been times I have
been driving and my mind wanders and I don't remember how I got from point A
to B.  It's just all of a sudden I am at point B. (I know this is
dangerous..but it has happened on more than one occasion with me)"

Oh I can relate to that so totally and became a little worried when I read
"Communion" by Whitley Streiber....the story is thus......

 I had to drive from my house in Hamsphire  to  Mold in North Wales in one
day.. It was December 1983......some of you are already appraised of the
fact that the UK is unable to cope with 2 degrees of frost to drive
180 miles up and then 180 miles back in December...... with snow above
Bristol was a slightly hopeful venture even in good weather... ALSO those
who have not been here...... . Please  understand that the  UK is a huge
network of not very wonderful roads and once you are off the motorways the
system might speed up (our motorways make excellent Long Term Parking) but
you may find that the quality and width of the roads, and standard of winter
gritting, may not be up to much....

Anyway I left at 5 am and had got to Bristol M4/M5 by 8.30 (hey some
going....99 miles) then headed up the M5 to get up to the M6 and acriss to
Mold.. I then had to find a transmitter site (DON'T EVEN GET ME TO EXPLAIN
WHY) and I got there by noon... the snow was thick and the car was a ford
cortina (I WAS A REP OK) and hated the climb up the track to the site... I
had lunch and then headed home with a very very expensive spectrum analyser
in the back of the car.....I remember getting to Kidderminster... I had
decided to come home down the valleys (IT IS SOO BEAUTIFUL) but after
Kidderminster I have no memory at all except that I awoke the next morning,
in my bed. I went to drive to work and checked the car boot....(back bit
where you store things for those of you puzzled is that the TRUNK in US
speak?)... and there was no analyser there.PANIC OR WHAT... this piece of
kit was about 27,000 pounds sterling at the time and it had gone.......

I drove in to work in tears and had composed my resignation letter by the
time I got there... I walked into the workshop and there was the analyser on
the bench with my notes on what needed to be done to it... I had driven to
work the night before, given the analyser to the night staff and gone
home....... I am missing something like 18 hours of  my life!!! I truly have
no recollection of doing any of this and when I read COMMUNION I did wonder
about having been TAKEN....

Well that is my strange A to B story and it was very weird..


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