I ahve just finished watching a doc on BBC2 about NDE's.

There were two cases where it has been proved that the people were DEAD, no brain function, when they had their experience.
One was a woman who had a major anurism in her brain stem and was given up for dead. However, she went to a nuerosurgeon in phoenix who thought he could help her and stop the bleed. During the surgery, she was not just deadin the sense her haert was stopped, but alsos all brain function. She later reproted the going into the light etc but, and this is the importnat bit, she reported what happened in the op room! There is NO WAY she could have seen or heard anything because she was dead, brain and all yet she did. She heard the thing the man used to open her head. She said it was alike a toothbrush. She could not have known that. She also heard one of the drs saying they could not get into the vein in her leg-too small. Now she did not know they would open her leg veins also and certainly couldn;t have heard this anyway.

Another case involved a young woman who was blind. Really blind, her eyes did not function. She was dead form a car accident. She came bnack. She was able to describe things she SAW' yet she had never seen before and cetainly could not see at the time, not juts because her eys ewere useless but because her brain was not functioning.

Of course we had Dr Susan Blackmore on, she is always dragged out for these programs, to tell us that it is crap, that theses experiences are merely the brains last ditch attpmt to comofrot us, and that all we are doing is forming ideas and not turth.unlike her theory of course, that isn't an idea, is it now?

These two cases are proof beyond doubt that these experirnces happened whilst their was no brain function at all so the rbain was not creating anything, nothing, no last ditch attepmt at anyhting, it was completely stopped.

There are two drs here and one in holland that are studying this right now, using cardiac arrest survivors. They felel that the'last ditch attempt to comfort' idea is not correct.


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