Found this site about the artist Labi Siffri, the section that begins "If you 
read"  explains perfectly my feelings, about how we each understand or 
misunderstand, things we hear people say, or the things that they may write. 
Just as we now pass judgement  on something that happened 20, 50, 100 years 
ago, Bloody Sunday in northern Ireland, Deaths that occured in "Civil Rights" 
marches and protests in the sixties, the treatment of Confederate and Boer 
war families in US  or  British concentration camps, or the issue of Slavery.
                We like to think we would never be involved in anything like 
that, but we are looking back with modern eyes, drawing on our expeience and 
knowlege of today, if we were there, even if we thought it was wrong, we 
would have carried out those orders.  It is easy to be critical from afar, 
when circumstance no longer affects us.     Fred B

"The statement "I am Black" has radically different meanings when addressed, 
on the one hand, to a member of the white supremacist group "Aryan Nations" & 
on the other, to a member of the Bantu Nation of Southern Africa.

As with "Black", so with "Gay", "a Man", "English", "British", "Middle-aged" 
or "an un-affirming childhood". Your interpretation of these vague 
generalities, verging on abstraction, says more about you than about the 
person supposedly addressed. As you can see, I am wary of "the truth" of 
biography & autobiography.

Like biogs of nations they should not be taken at face value. If you wish to 
know something of me my work, bearing in mind that the poem you read 
is not the poem I have written. The poem you read is your interpretation of 
the poem I have written."

Labi Siffre is the composer & performer of the song (Something Inside) So 
Strong; the author of 3 poetry books: Nigger, Blood On The Page, & Monument;a 
stage adaptation of 4 folk tales from around the world: TaleSpin, devised & 
directed by Jack Holloway at the Wilde Theatre, Bracknell, & a one act play: 
DeathWrite, staged at the Sherman Theatre, Cardiff, & later, televised by HTV 
(both directed by Phil Clark).

After 9 albums, further hit songs, Watch Me, It Must Be Love, Crying, 
Laughing, Loving, Lying & My Name Is, 37 years as a writer, a multitude of 
international performances as a musician &/or poet, the sampling of his 
musical work by artists such as Jay-Z, Eminem, Wu-Tang Clan & the IRA (this 
certainly is the age of irony) Labi Siffre has no interest in nostalgia, is 
tied to the work rather than the applause (though applause is nice) & 
continues to pursue refractions in the corner of a blind man's eye. His 
excellent website can be found <A HREF="";>here</A>.

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