kasey simpson wrote:

Rhetorical question: can journalism be completely


I've been meaning to answer this for some time. My gut reaction
is no.
I agree.

Unless the person in question hasn't formed an opinon on
the subject they are covering.

even then, no.

we ALL come to any subject, subjectively because w ebase everything on our own experience, our meaning structures. @objectiveity' is not possible. We cannot step outside of ourselves nor the meaning structures we have created. This is the why people suffer 'breakdowns'-becausw hatever has hapopened is outside of their 'world', they cannot assimilate it. Recovery means to build a different set of meaning structures. You can see then that changing one's meanign structures is not going to jumped at as a wanted thing to do!

 I think that's why the reader has
to read all views to come to the best (not right or wrong) informed
opinon they can.
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