colin wrote:
> even if this war is going to be fought for the 'right reasons', my
> feeling is it will do the opposite of what we want. it will INCREASE
> terrorism rather than decrease it. I hope I am mistaken but I can't
> really see a different result.

Me either. I can find nothing good about it, and agree completely that
it will increase terrorism because the bombing does not address the
specifics in any way, not specific people, not specific issues.

I find it interesting that, in general, the people most adamant about
waging this all-out bombing war, and letting it be known here and in
letters to the editor of various papers and magazines, do not live in a
place that is a likely target.

Of course, no one is safe anywhere. The cities, though, are more
vulnerable. More people in one area. More bang for the buck, so to speak.

Debra Shea

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