There has been quite a bit of talk recently of Little Green and speculation as
to the meaning of the lyrics.
I found this link on the JMDL home page tonight

Thanks Les. I had been looking forward to reading this incredible interview
for over a year!
I'm frequently amazed at how candid Joni can be in her interviews. For
example, she plainly states that once married, Chuck reneged on his offer to
raise her baby:

`` Well, the gods in their wisdom had to put me through some travail, so at 20
in art school I lost my virginity and got pregnant all in the same act. I had
to protect my parents from the disgrace, so I said I had given up my desire to
paint and I was going east to pursue a career as a musician, which wasn't all
the truth. My talent had not arrived as a musician; I was simply good at
singing old folk songs locally for pin money. I had no ambition. I hadn't
begun to create anything. I went east and when my girl was born I tried to
keep her, but I couldn't get enough money together to join the Musicians Union
to get the work. I was offered work in the States and the man who found it for
me knew of my difficult situation and offered to marry me to give my child a
home. She was in a foster home and I was just waiting to get enough money to
get her out of hock. So I married him and he betrayed me. Once inside the
marriage, he said he didn't want to raise another man's child. As they say,
"make a good marriage, God bless you; make a bad marriage, become a
philosopher." So I began to write.``

So there you have it, from the source. This JM interview is one of the better
ones I've seen in recent years. Joni also speaks about her relationship to
catholicism and nuns. Definitely worth a look.

Michael in Quebec
NP: the steady whir of my hard drive

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