Hi to all  -   Caught part of a discussion about the treatment of prisoners,
but they do have a choice, to commit a crime or not, or do they ?  Police
here in the UK have admitted that they no longer investigate burgleries, 90%
of which are drug related, they'll visit your home, but it's down to you to
sort things out with your insurance company, although they did warn me to be
very careful, because the thieves will know that within a short time the
stolen items will be replaced, and they often come back.
               Young offenders receive no punishment, unless there's violence
involved.  8 years ago a friend of my daughters called Dougie was thrown out
by his Mum, and was hanging around our house, once we knew the story he moved
in, and we tried to sort things out.  He was with us for 6 weeks, we got him
to return to school, bought him shoes and school uniform, social services
didn't compensate us for that expence, but they did tell us that it had been
worked out that it costs a #1,000 a week to keep a displaced young person
               We eventually got him to return home, but Dougie already had a
string of minor convictions, was he a villian ? no, honestly he was a great
kid, 15 years old, but on a downward spiral.  The social worker explained
that they do not punish these youngsters because most grow out of it, I
disagreed with that idea, but then who am I.    Dougie left school but
continued to get into trouble, stealing from supermarkets and cars, each time
he was given one more chance, he got involved in drugs and ended up in
prison, what a waste of a life.
              I understand there are a group of young people who are thinking
of claiming damages from Police and Social Services for failing them, what
they are saying is punishment might have stopped them before things got out
of hand, the soft approach made them feel safe, they knew nothing would
happen to them.  And you can see this on TV, in the faces of young offenders
as they walk free from Court, smirking and laughing, knowing they have got
away with it again.
              Capital punishment is dangerous, the Courts have been wrong too
many times, corporal punishment isn't the answer, but it will stop some from
reoffending, and victims of crime will have the satisfaction of knowing those
who chose to violate their lives have been punished.
               There is some suggestion that violence and crime could be
genetic, what do we do if it's proved ?  Dougie I must say had a bad start in
life, he never knew his father, he hanged himself in the woods near his home
when Dougie was a baby.  He also had a mother, who when I met her, spoke well
only of David her older son, Dougie was always trouble.  Did she ruin Dougies
life, did she blame him for the death of her husband?  We can meddle with
laws and individuals rights all we like, but life will always deal someone a
crap hand

" Take yor time, think a lot, think of everything you've got,"
" For you may still be here tomorrow, but your dreams may not"
             Father and Son  Cat Stevens

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