In a TV programme some years ago on violence in the 
home, it soon became clear that women are every bit as aggressive as men, but 
physically a womans punch is not as damaging as a mans, so they use mental 
violence, both sexes use words to attack, but some women are very good at it, 
and of course they also wait for their opportunity.  You had the Bobbit ? 
case in the US, where she cut of her husbands penis while he slept.
                       Here in the UK this programme found several victims, 
one had  boiling water poured over him while he slept, another woke up and 
found his wife stabbing him. Some of these women admitted they were hell to 
live with, and wondered why their husbands stayed, men seldom report the 
                        One poor chap in his 30's was single, had a nice 
home, and took a girl home with him, but after a few days she kept coming 
around, so he made it clear he didn't want to continue the relationship, she 
was trying to move in.   Just when he thought it was all over, he came home 
to find her in his house, she had keys cut, and when he tried to get her out 
she became very violent and in the end he hit her.  He called the Police and 
minutes after they arrived he was under arrest for defending himself in his 
own home, he spent 3 days in jail, they always believe the womens side of the 
story.  I happen to think women are wonderful, just glad I never met up with 
a bad one.
                         Oh by the way, I was at a birthday party around the 
time my wife and I were splitting up, lot's of old friends there, and a girl 
called Sally Bull, grabbed hold of me and dragged me onto the dance floor, 
Sally was a great girl, when we were lost in the crowd and the loud music she 
began to question me, whats wrong with you and Pearl (my wife)  I said I'd 
given up trying to understand, nothings wrong, yet everything is wrong, and 
Sally said "Slap her" ( what ! I said) "Slap her, let her know you care" 
?????  Stupid, or is it?? people in violent relationships do seem to keep 
going back for more, could it be there is something they like about it ?

" I really love it when you call me names"  Joan Armatrading

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