I mentioned there was a 2 hour Joni saga on radio the other day.
The DJ did a terrific job, as always, and mentioned quite a few facts I didn't
know, but I must confess I haven't read the Joni bios which are sitting on my
bookshelf.  The DJ had done his homework: He even mentioned that Chuck
promised to provide for Kilauren even though he wasn't the father, which has
been recently discussed on JMDL.  He called Hejira a masterpiece, good man.

Other facts:
* "Joni's 1st hit was You Turn Me on I'm a Radio, and the band Nazareth had a
hit in the UK in 11/72 with This Flight Tonight".
That's kind of hard to imagine, isn't Nazareth a heavy metal band?

* "DJRD in 1977: Mingus contacts Joni being impressed with Paprika Plains."

* "After S&L, Joni takes a long pause to paint after realizing that her
interest in music isn't compatible with a large audience."

* I didn't understand any of the following: circa 83 there's a movie called
"Love" which has not been seen, "with 9 women" (?), then she paints, then
there's something about a refuge group.     Can anybody make any sense of

* "Amnesty show in 86: Rolling Stone calls it the worst performance of the
year".  (RS gets my "worst asshole of the year award" too).
* "Clinton explains about  Chelsea but declares he was more impressed with
Judy Collins' version".

* "How Do You Stop is a James Brown cover".

* late 80's: "Joni gets the Polar Prize, the music equivalent to Nobel".

When ending with T, the DJ calls it a "re-reading of a 30+ year career" which
I though was a nice way to put it.
I taped the show if anybody is interested and of course understands french.

Comments are welcome.


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