On Mon, 10 Feb 2003, Dan Olson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

 From my vinyl copy (which I'll bet I'm one of the few who owns):
"The Only Joy in Town ........... Joni Mitchell: Guitar, Oboe, Keyboards,
Omnichord, Vocals"

Thanks to everyone who pointed out that the oboe was sampled, and that this
was already discussed in a thread some time ago.  What the heck is an

..... and then, Randy Remote <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

<snip> It's like a bungee chord only it will attach to anything in the universe.

sorry...some kind of keyboard synth thing.


The omnichord s an electronic instrument built on synthesizer technology, but it doesn't have a keyboard. It's irregularly shaped. It has buttons somewhat like chorc buttond on a chord organ or the bass side of an accordion to play notes (and chords?), a strumming area like a little section of washboard, selection buttons for different instrument sounds and an automatic rhythm. It's supposed to be an easy-to-play instrument for nonmusicians. After selecting an instrument sound and, optionally, a rhythm, one fingers the buttons to determine the notes, with one hand, while strumming across the strum area with the other, in a manner somewhat analogous to playing rhythm guitar. It is made by Suzuki. I have seen them, but never played one. To refresh my memory, I did a Web search, and found that there is now a new generation of them called "Qchord," which accepts song cards for, I guess, further automated playing.

Tim Spong
Dover, Del., U.S.A.

P.S. I'm very happy for Wally Kairuz!

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