sarah >>But if the German plan comes to anything, it might just be possible
to avoid it all.<<

this is my great hope...i saw news clip of the pope in baghdad last is the first time i ever cheered for the far as a
'bloodless' war is concerned, here is an excerpt from a letter written by
Charles Sheehan-Miles, one of the founders of

"Twelve years ago, in February of 1991, I crossed the border between
Saudi Arabia and Iraq with the 24th Infantry Division.  Back then I
was a 20-year-old Abrams tank crewman, and I fought in several battles
in southern Iraq. I can say from personal experience, the media got it
wrong. The first Gulf War wasn't clean, it wasn't pretty, and it
wasn't precise.  In the chaos and destruction of battle, anything can
happen. We killed a lot of people.

Like many of the men and women I served with, I do not believe that
President Bush or Secretary of State Powell, in his presentation at
the United Nations on Wednesday, has made the case that Iraq poses an
imminent threat to the United States.  Without proving imminent
threat, the administration has failed outright to justify its rush to
war. Many senior military leaders, including Generals Norman
Schwarzkopf, Anthony Zinni and Wesley Clark, have all questioned the
wisdom of another war with Iraq.

Thousands of veterans of all U.S. wars have stepped forward, marched
in demonstrations and raised their voices to say that the nation they
defended should not be attacking other nations.  There is no sense of
just cause in the U.S. armed forces today.  Most recently we veterans
have been joined in our message by families with loved ones in the

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