Date: Wed, 12 Feb 2003 06:49:20 -0800 (PST)
Subject: missile shield (njc)
>Kakki wrote: It's one thing to say you are against this
>system, but it is not right to say it either doesn't
>exist or doesn't work. Thousands of people in SoCal
>and a
>few other cities have been working on it for too many
>years to say that.

>Well, thousands of people have worked for years on the
>space shuttle, too. Technology that's very complex
>often contains complex problems and errors. Just
>because a lot of people are involved doesn't mean it
>works. From what I understand, it doesn't and can't
>work, because of design flaws.

>lots of love

I agree with you here too, Anne.

Even if missile shield technology happened to work a few times, any of our adversaries would eventually trump our defensive technologies with their offensive technologies. . . and we would be involved in the a war game that cannot be won. . .

The result would be a depleting of our financial (and spiritual, physical) resources.

We would be spending our money and our efforts disproportionately on the missle shield, while our schools fail (or continue to fail), our health care systems contiue to erode. . .

etc, etc. . . all of the priorities that urgently need attention would be otherwise neglected because of our huge military budget. . .

I am not advocating that we have no defense. Yet, I vote "no" to the missile shield.

I want out of this deficit.

Bush is a radical president, and if allowed to pursue his agenda we will be paying for his mistakes for many decades to come.

As one of my students (7th grader) (they are choosing statements for their inspirational poster designs),

profoundly quoted this morning (I am assuming he didn't make this up):

"We have not inherited the earth from our mothers and fathers, we are borrowing it from our children."


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