Just been listening to the radio, talk of bringing down the Government,
bringing down Blair, it would seem in order to survive Blair will have to
follow the line of other European countries, the most interesting point made,
one that I agree with, and one that many anti - war cannot deny is true.
    America could, and probably would go it alone, and depending on the
outcome, there will be varying degrees of condemnation, BUT ! If Bush
suddenly decides to hold back, maybe withdraw troops, it would send shock
waves around the World, the reason being that how ever much they protest,
everyone, including most of the Islamic World wants to see Saddam brought
down, because as long as he is around they must live in fear.
    Should this happen, then he would gain support and in time Saddam (most
seem to agree) will make a move against neighbouring countries, but the prime
target will be Israel, Ibm sorry to say it, but Americas support of Israel
the major thorn in the side of the Arab World, and in the last few years my
sympathy has moved over to the Palestinians,  but that is an other story.
    Lets say America backs down to World opinion, the troops are back home,
Saddam refuses to let inspectors do their work or throws them out,.  And then
he moves into Kuwait and Saudi Arabia, which he could easily do, would Syria
want to fight?  Despite their War, Iran may wish to join forces, Israel would
be there for the taking.  What should America and Britain do, because we know
who everyone will be looking to for support "Mr President, European parliamen
t on the line, Saddam has cut off all supplies of oil to Europe, they want to
know what you are going to do"   " Tell them I will call later, Tony and me
are just gonna play a little golf"
    Maybe the UK and US should sign a deal with Saddam, I wonder if anyone
would object, no War, cheap oil, and no other Arab state would even think of
stepping out of line.
    All "What If", all nonsense, but I am sure it is true, many of these
Countries protest in public, but privately their thoughts are far different.
If only "Stormin Norman" had been left to complete the job, what a mistake
that was !   FRED

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