In a message dated 2/17/03 4:51:51 PM Eastern Standard Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] 

> Asking that you all pray for me on Wednesday as I attempt to get back into 
> my house after what has been a ten week absence.  I know the power of 
> positive thinking that this list possesses, and I am not afraid to invoke 
> that power when necessary.  But I promise to only use the force for good, 
> not for evil.  Sorry, getting silly here.
Suzie, I'm rooting for u. You're a good person and so undeserving of this.

much love,
smothered in snow

Better ask questions before you shoot
Deceit and betrayal's bitter fruit
It's hard to swallow, come time to pay.
That taste on your tongue don't easily slip away

Let Kingdom come. I'm gonna find my way
Through this lonesome day

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