Randy, found the post - it was never unusual to support the troops and oppose the war.

The people in the service are people doing what they are told. They have got to their thing. I have been and always be very supportive of the enlisted personnel.

And I feel very supportive of my son when I protest this proposed war. In fact for months I have had my peace flag in the window with the "my son is a Marine" banner attached to it.

A lot of parents of service people feel just as I do. And I know that many of us resent armchair warriors who talk big but don't have their ass on the line. A lot of veterans feel that way too. Because I hang with the recruiters in my community, because I am very popular at the VFW and American Legion Hall in my community, I can verify that this war and those who push it are not very popular with the military community, and there is no conflict between the peace community and the military community. No one should push war. War is hell and people will die. Those who know war best would undertake it with the greatest reluctance. If called to wage war my son and all in the service will give it all they have got, which is their job their duty, but they do so knowing how hellish it is, and with the greatest, greatest reluctance.
I know you know all this. I feel compelled to say it however tonight. I hear cheerleading for war. I would like to hear anguish about the proposed course of action by those who support it, because that is what separates armchair warriors from people who I can listen to and respect.
Peace out,

Randy Remote wrote:

The article begins:
"I don't support war, but I support my son"
How does a father feel when his son goes to war?
This man says he is opposed to military action in
Iraq, but to protest would be to betray his
21-year-old-son, who has sailed to the Gulf with
the Royal Marines

I recently read a nearly identical article originating in the US.
"I've always been a pacifist, but now..." ....kind of like
Peaceniks Anonymous or something. I'm waiting for an article that
starts-"My son enlisted and I think he's a fucking idiot," but I don't
expect to see it real soon.

"I'm in the unusual position of being for the war, but against
the troops"  -  Bill Hicks

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