I have been a member for close to three years.  As most, I discovered the list 
by searching the net for anything Joni.  I joined and lurked for months before 
making my first post.

Two people welcomed me to the list- Bob Muller and Ashara.  I thought that was 
pretty special.   It didnt take me long to clue into the fact that they both 
did that with everyone!

It takes a bit of work to get comfortable here.  Of course there is a 
familiarity amongst those that have been here for a longer period.  I have 
never felt unwelcome- the exact opposite, truth be told.

Who knew there were Joni boots of concerts and unreleased material?  Wow!  I 
remember the day I received my first non-commercial Joni CDs- thanks Bob!  I 
was blown away.  Wally Kairuz was visiting from Argentina that day.

Which is a story in itself.

Wally and I had communicated off list after his request for North American food 
recipes, I believe.  We established a cyber friendship.  Next thing I know, 
this guy from Buenos Aires takes me up on my offer to come and visit, and does 
so, for two weeks.  ACK!  My friends thought I was crazy- having someone come 
to my home whom I had never met.  What if he is an axe murderer? someone 
asked.  Well, I said, call in the morning and if I dont answer the phone, I 
guess he is!  

Wally and I are brothers now.

And during his stay, Steve and Michelle Dulson, and Kate Bennett were in town 
for the Folk Alliance.  We all met for the first time and it was like visiting 
with cousins you havent seen for a year and a half!

And that is the beauty of this list.

It has truly been a community.  Anyone who has ANY doubts should come to this 
years Jonifest, and you will get it!  It has been a life altering experience 
for me and I have made many, many lifelong friends as a result.  How many in 
this world can say that?

WOW, Kakki and I had lunch with Joni a year and a half ago!  Would that have 
EVER been if not for the connection this list affords?

I am thrilled to say that I have like-minded friends from all over the world as 
a result.  Hey, Ive been married and divorced on this list ;-) gained a few 
brothers and sisters, and am in love again. 

I agree that lately we seem to have lost that magical sense of community.  Far 
too many who are integral to this list have become Joni only.  I too, am on 
the brink of doing the same.  Personal attacks, overposting, the war content 
overload!  What really gets me is how some feel that every post requires a 
response, and far too many of those are of the nature that should be sent 
personally, not to the whole list.  B---- will say it is sunny out, G---- will 
answer it isnt.  Does the list really care?  Take it off the list.  To receive 
100 posts a day and so many of them be of this content is overwhelming.

I dont suggest that the list should be moderated.  However, I firmly believe 
we need to be a bit more thoughtful and respectful of each other, and our 
differences.    Appreciate what we have, love our brothers and sisters and get 
back to the garden, as our muse has said.

And as that other muse, the blue guy said, stifle the conversations about 
religion, sex and politics.

With love and respect,
Stephen in Vancouver

Hoping to stay an NJC subscriber!

NP:  Patti Witten  Sycamore Tryst- loving it Patti and if not for this list 
would never have discovered you!

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