In a message dated 2/25/2003 2:05:53 AM Eastern Standard Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] 

> 1972: "Concert Is Given By Joni Mitchell" - New York Times
>    (Review - Concert) 

Les, belated congrats on passing the 1,000 mark with your article database! I don't 
always comment on them, but I DO check them out every day - I would hope everyone does.

Anyway, I loved the prophetic comment this reviewer made about this GREAT Carnegie 
Hall show:

"I suspect that in her own way Joni Mitchell may be one of the most genuinely gifted 
composers North America has yet developed. That she chooses to express her art in 
small forms and personal sentiments in no way reduces either its impact of its 

Look! He didn't even specify a gender! :~) And keep in mind, this was 1972...


NP: Lenny Kravitz, "Empty Hands" 

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