
I assume you meant to cc the list on this as it is such high JC!

Stephen in Vancouver

----- Forwarded message from [EMAIL PROTECTED] -----
    Date: Tue, 25 Feb 2003 00:00:41 -0700

Hi Ron and Stephen,

Thank you for asking about the statue!

Update -  I met with a professional fundraiser here in Saskatoon just 
before Christmas and he advised us not to do anything with the Joni 
statue until February earliest, as no-one in Saskatoon gives money at 
the beginning of the year because of Christmas and New Year.

So I held off doing anything until recently - now back into it.   We 
have about 500 dollars raised, we've found a sculptor, I'm about to 
approach Joni's manager to check how she feels about it, I've applied 
for a Saskatchewan Arts grant which we need non-profit organization 
status for, so I've applied for that too, and we're having a poster 
made up for local distribution.  We've also made contact with several 
local business leaders and experienced fundraisers who are all very 
supportive and interested. I've also started writing to the sponsors 
of Joni's art exhibition at the Mendel to ask if they will donate to 
the statue fund.

The thing now is to think of a fundraising benefit we can hold and 
when.  If you have any ideas, they'd be very gratefully received.



At 21:47hour -0800 02/24/2003, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
>Quoting ron <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
>>  its also a good place to find out about joni  :-)
>>  ron
>>  ps - whatever happened to the "beside herself" statue????
>Yeah, Sarah, how bout an update??
>Stephen in Vancouver

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