>From the articles data base via Bob Muller's post came this from

> Anyway, I loved the prophetic comment this reviewer made about this GREAT 
> Carnegie Hall show:
> "I suspect that in her own way Joni Mitchell may be one of the most 
> genuinely gifted composers North America has yet developed. That she 
> chooses to express her art in small forms and personal sentiments in no way 
> reduces either its impact of its importance."
> Look! He didn't even specify a gender! :~) And keep in mind, this was 
> 1972...
> Bob

 I am pretty certain that this was the Carnegie Hall concert I attended. And 
I had been looking for this review for some time - I see that it was posted 
less than a year ago. My recollection from long, long ago was that this 
review concluded with a one paragraph afterthought along the lines of 
"Jackson Browne opened for Ms Mitchell last night. True, he writes good songs 
- but his presentation is extremely dull". Les - could you (or anyone else) 
confirm whether my recollection on this is correct ? I may be thinking of a 
different review, but I do not think so.


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