sorry about slammin nora and m + m
let me backpeddle a bit

i admit i dont own nora's cd
i based my opinion
on hearing a few of her songs on the radio
(how could you not)
and i thought-ok voice, but b l a n d
and when i found out she hadn't written her "hit" song
i dismissed her

so i admit i may have been wrong there
i will give the cd a listen
it just infuriates me that the grammy's always award the
most commercial artists
(the flavor of that year if you will)

and boy did i get a lot of cranky emails about em--
so i'll say this about him

he's cute (i'm gay)
he's got an interesting voice
and he's charismatic

also i guess i can't get over his taunting moby
(an artist i truly respect)
in a silly sophmoric way
and his homophobic remarks were never
adequately explained away for me
yes, yes, i know they said that was a "character" 
speaking those horrible things
but try explainig that to a confused/angry
adolescent who doesn't like the wimpy guy in gym class.

and eminem never apologized...
just went on and on about his rights

(yes i bought his first cd
but not his second)

it sickened me
and to give him a grammy---
i just give up

by the way
the only moving part about those stupid grammies
was the tribute to joe strummer
(thank God for elvis costello & the foo fighters)
i was crying
and i still have a lump in my throat

and they sure as hell
never gave the clash a grammy

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