Re: I hit on Joni dream

Thanks Bill, for sharing that charming little story.  As a matter of fact, I
did have a Joni dream a couple of weeks ago. I dreamt she came over to my
house with her entourage one afternoon. They came in up the back fire
escape, after checking out the garden. I was somewhat embarassed because my
toilet wasn't working!  What if they started drinking and smoking, I
worried?  I laughed at that one the next day! Oh, the twisted workings of
the human mind...

On another subject, reading the 2000 London Times interview, I was struck by
this narrative:

Joni: "Someone coming up to me on the street and saying that they love what
I do? That kind of reaction is not coming out of a sense of appropriateness.
That is coming out of kindredness. Which is wonderful, if embarrassing for
both parties. We're strangers, after all, and a lot of times those people
are so earnest and overwhelmed that they look as if they're going to
implode. The only possible response is to give them a good hug, which I do.
And that makes for a very real and sweet encounter. Those people whom I've
hugged on the street - they're the honours and the good reviews."

This really surprised me, that Joni would be responsive to demonstrations of
``gushing` like that, on the street. People I talked to about this at last
year's Jonifest all said they were very uncomfortable with the role of
`gushing fan..``  Which begs the question, did anyone on this list ever
gush, and if so, what was Joni's response to that?  Would you , if you had
the chance? It kills me to admit it, but I know I probably would if I had
the chance. I probably couldn't hold back. I actually did gush once in the
presence of a lovely American opera diva, who received my attentions
warmly. However, I was considerably younger then. I think youth adds some
charm to the gush. A middle-aged person gushing is quite another story,
isn't it?

PS. I saw Nora Jones in concert the other night on Muchmusic TV or whatever.
I must say, that woman has no stage presence whatsoever. She looked bored
and annoyed with the audience. Last summer she appeared at teh Montreal Jazz
festival when she was already suffering from overexposure and burn-out.

Michael in Quebec

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