Listening to "Hejira" the other day, I was reminded of how many years have 
passed since Joni wrote this glorious masterpiece by the following line from 

"I'll just be getting home with my reel to reel"

Then I thought of some other lines from other albums that seem dated:

"The band sounds like typewriters"

"With Negro affectations" 

"They're playin' that scratchy rock and roll" (indicating a turntable, pre-CD 

You know there may be more . . . wanna play? 

hey Bob...great little game...I'll add another dimension to it... Brei and I were on 
our own little hejira this morning and we were in fact listening and singing along to 
the song Hejira. Now..here's our question....the word hejira is not IN the 
song...sooooo are there other songs like that by our Joan.. or is this the only one?? 

zen*magsnbrei wanna know

p.s. Ive found another one...it's on song to a seagull... 



You open my heart, you do. 
Yes you do.
     - JM
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