Hejira is definitely one of my favourite albums. Have you ever listened
to it while travelling? Though I can't explain why really, it is
particularly wonderful then. Just last summer I was listening to it
travelling, and in Black Crow at "I looked out the window and I saw that
ragged soul take flight" I did look out the window and a crow just flew
out of a tree into the blue sky...

I haven't gotten out to a music store in a while, and haven't had a
chance to get the Eva Cassidy cd with Woodstock on it, and am curious how
she does it. Has anyone heard it? If you haven't heard of Eva Cassidy,
she's great, I would definitely reccomend buying a cd. As far as I know,
she never had a record deal, but friends put together cd's of

i have a question about some more lyrics...when Joni covered Sugar
Mountain before it was released, the verses were in a different order,
too, and I'm not sure what the beginning is of this verse:
"___________________________________/And you're starting down the
road/And it's funny how you feel/'Cause you're findin' out it's real"

what is the Girls in the Valley cd? I hadn't heard of it until I looked
at the 'artist search' on msn and it was listed...without any
information. Can't wait to see Woman of Heart and Mind...







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