Bruce wrote

> A great example of her alliterative skill is also in O&M. Watch the p and b:
> "Always the grand Parades of cellulite
> Jiggling to her golden Pools
> Through flock and cuPid colonnades
> They jiggle into surgery
> HoPefully Beneath the Blade"

I have become more sensitive to Joni's obvious addiction to alliteration from 
my JM Song of the Day adventures.

The biggest smile I have gotten from it, though, was recalling the day I 
taught my suitemates the 4-parts to Helplessly Hoping (Steven Stills's 
amusing attempt at alliteration - hey, I think I've got it !) Could that have 
been a case of imitation being the highest form of flattery ? I hope so - 
there could hardly be any other redeeming social value to HH :-)


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