Hello All! I cannot wait until the Joni Wall to Wall extravaganza!! Im hoping that 
there is going to be a strong contingency of jmdlers there..That would be awesome!! 
Maybe we can try and meet up I know Bob mentioned something about that..What could be 
more fun.. Jmdlers on the loose in NYC!!And if my dreams come true Joni will be 
there(and then I woke up) Im also counting the nano-seconds until the american masters 
pbs special..I dont know if I can take all this Joni-ness who am I kiddin I need 
more..Im like a Joni junkie (and damn proud of it) I hope you all are havin a great 
day !! If not then try to :) love and light   ***kev***

I read the Fiddle and the drum at a poetry reading sunday to very very good reviews.

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