Your post was 'ab fab', Hell! Great questions...

> Which is her "best" album cover, and why?  This may be better worded as "Which
> is your favourite", as this will always be subjective....

Really tough choice between Hejira & HOSL, both of which are filled with images, 
contrasts, and subtext, and can generate great discussion on their own. I would have 
to give the edge to Hejira for that sexy shadowed Joni with the cheekbones so bony!

> Which cover best describes the musical and/or lyrical 
> content of that album?

Again, so tough to choose! Court & Spark maybe, it's cover given to all the subtle 
colors and textures, pretty yet ponderous. Blue, stark and could 
almost argue them all in one way or another. Hejira, again, with all of its travel 
> And which cover best describes Joni as a person?

Well, Joni as a person has evolved as has her cover art, reflecting the changes in 
corresponding fashion. Fanciful and fantasy-filled (STAS), Simple beauty, as obvious 
and as natural as a flower (Clouds), and so on. I don't want to say everything I feel 
the first time out, I'll leave it to others to offer their thoughts.


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