You know, I never thought of the possibilty of Joni being one of the dogs, sort of like the ringleader, maybe? A human incarnation of the dog, which resembles many of the characters within the album. I guess I was subconsciously being sexist thinking, "Oh, Joni is playing the victim again, see those dogs ripping at her female body".. But, now that the picture can be both it makes it even more dynamic for me.
Joni's worst album cover for me, despite it's cheeriful colors and acoutrements, is Songs to A Seagull. I suppose if anything, it summarizes the innocence and naievity of Joni at that point in time.
And not that the Travelogue cover is bad or poor art, but i was bit dissapointed to see another "Framed Painted Portait" album cover. I am ready for a new look, personally.

and Yes, that Girls from the Valley cover which isnt Joni's is awful, the sketch of her on the cover looks more like a melting Carol Channing than anyone.

NP:House of Stained Glass-Ornette Coleman and Joachim Kuhn

--- Blair Fraipont <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: > You know Dog eat Dog is a great cover too, > if only the Album title > wasn't Dog Eat Dog. Mind you, I only say this in the > context of discussing > of album artwork. Because the title is Dog Eat Dog, > is just seems obvious > what the album is saying. if say the album was > called, "Incendiary Soul" or > "Tax Free" it almost becomes a stronger image, the > dogs seemingly ripping at > each other and at Joni.

I like those suggestions, esp. "Incendiary soul."
Funny thing about the dogs/wolves though. To me, on
the DED cover, even though I sometimes see it as dogs
attacking, I usually see it as Joni being part of the
pack. Those dogs look like they're having fun jumping
around and carrying on, maybe howling. And Joni's
right in there with them howlin' and yowlin' - leading
the chorus, if you will.

When you come right down to it, maybe the question
should be, "what Joni cover is the worst and which
least represents her?" How about that horrible "girls
in the valley" ripoff of "Ladies in the canyon"? We
can't even blame that one on Joan, which is why it so
obviously stands out as something that sucks badly -
she didn't do it!

===== Catherine Toronto

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