Laurent wrote:

> I can understand  the grounds of Bob's criticism.  However, I totally
> concurr with Mack's review.  So count me in the DED love & devotion fan
> club.

I'm also a big fan of DED.  Maybe it's because I'm a child of the 80's.  I
also have CMIARS another try this week (on continuous play all day) and it's
grown on me, too!

But I'm still surprised by the amount of "anti-Larry" feeling people express
when talking about DED.  I think Thomas Dolby had far more influence over
the sound of this album than Larry Klein - something I think is verified by
Larry's contributions to other albums since, and even previously, eg. WTRF.

I'm certainly no expert, but I also think he's a pretty damn good bass
player.  And does anyone really think Joni could be pushed in a direction
she didn't want to go?!


NP: Dave Dobbyn - Feel Someone Else's Pain

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