I enjoyed the list that was generated (originally asked for by Anne) regarding Joni references to cars/vehicles. .

Anne (or anyone) did you save a complete list of these?

I'd like to have this. . .

And this got me to thinking about collecting some more. . .

I'd like to have a list of Joni references (lines) that have anything to do with sprituality/goddess/god /Jesus/religion . . even if they are remote. . .

anyone care to mention them?

"god of cruelty
drawn to all things
god of delight."

I would like to have these too. .

Okay, there are two more categories that I want also. . should I ask for them now. . or maybe we should wait and do this one at a time. . (??)

(okay, sneak preview,. .

I'd like to see all references to peace and justice/earth issues

and also all color references).

Oh, I guess I just want it all. .

and I want to collect them. . like. . . like oh, I don't know. .gems, pez dispensers, coins . . .etc.


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