<<<Joni has said 
that "Shadows and light" was divinly inspired,which I don't find hard to 
believe.It's just a deep,profound song.>>>

I agree with you..the song shadows and light is incredible and moving. I watched the 
entire Shadows and Light DVD today . Loved it even more. Wonderful to watch the play 
between Joni and the other musicians. Her rendition of Amelia is especially soulful 
imho on this. 

As always, the big treat for me... to watch Toller Cranston and Joni skating to 
Hejira...now that's a spiritual experience if I ever saw one. He truly dances on the 
ice, above and beyond the surface. They are so alike , I was struck by  that today. 
Daring to be different , daring to push that creativity a little higher each time. And 
the sheer joy in their faces throughout .

I think it was Heather who asked a few weeks ago about Joni music to cook by and this 
one was perfect! 

I love the thread of Hell's about the covers and such. Im not sure how to make up my 
mind. when I do.. I shall let you know. 


np: Cactus Tree from Live at the BBC  In Concert 1970


You open my heart, you do. 
Yes you do.
     - JM
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