(Chris M here, not Steve T, I'm just using his computer

Christopher Treacy wrote, in response to a question about
> good question - or are we not going to bother because it'll show in the US
> in under a month?

I live in the UK, and don't suppose we'll get to see this
gem for quite some time. I looked at the previews linked
from the JMDL site, and they looked great!  Can't wait.

While I don't have facilities to convert NTSC video to our
UK PAL standard, I *can* play NTSC videos.  Therefore,
if any kind US lister souls end up with a *spare* NTSC
copy of the two shows, I'd gladly paypal some money
over in return for a copy.

UK listers note:  I'll gladly host a video-viewing party
one weekend in the next month or two if I can get
hold of a copy.  Any excuse for a bit of drinking
and Joni really...

So... if anyone in the US and Canada can help me
(us) out, please let me know.  Similarly, if any UK
folk fancy a Cambridge gathering to view this gem
if I get it, tell me!

The address you require is ---> [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Thankyou :)

--Chris Marshall

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